Debbie Does Diet

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Utter Chaos...

I haven't blogged in quite a while. My goal was to blog every day. I guess that's not realistic. My life is in utter chaos right now and until that settles down, I will only be blogging when I can. I will probably return to normal toward the middle of February. So expect a daily blog from that point.  I had lost 5 pounds the first week and I was thrilled. Then my birthday came and something completely unexpected happened. Not a good something either. I had a great birthday (one of the best ever...thank you to my wonderful husband, two handsome boys and my Infusionsoft family). But...there were a lot of emotions both good and bad tied to that day; I'm an emotional eater. There was cake involved. Not just one cake...3 cakes! I just couldn't resist the temptation. It was a little different this time though. I didn't completely binge and eat a ton; I had a piece of each one. That combined with no exercise and STRESS I gained 4 of the 5 pounds back. I'm getting back on track now and hopefully things will start moving again. I am determined to make this work...I want it to work...IT WILL WORK!

I discovered this book called The 4-Hour Body (thanks Marc!). It's written by the same author that wrote The 4-Hour Work Week (which was awesome). I bought a copy on Amazon and am excited to begin reading it.

I am so blessed to have a great support system. I cherish that and ask that you all please not give up on me. I want to get my life back so this is going to happen. I want everyone to see the real me; my outside matching my inside. My goal is to be 50 pounds down by September. If I lose more than that...great, but that's the most realistic goal for me.

That's all for now...

Until next time,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Houston we have launch!

Debbie Does Diet has officially begun! Even though technically I'm not calling it a diet (the name just sounded perfect for a blog)...just getting healthy. :-)

I haven't blogged at all during the last couple of weeks and for that I apologize. I have been out of sorts a little bit. Christmas was wonderful and New Years was even great, but I have let old wounds open and fester. The emotional/sensitive side of me took over...anything edible that I could find went in to my mouth and down the hatch. That could be a whole other blog. :-). That will probably be my main struggle during this process, but I'm determined to be successful. I'm a fighter.

I am an emotional eater so everything I could find went into my mouth. I actually gained 3.3 pounds during the holidays. Even though today is my birthday and I would love to have cake and ice cream, I'm not going to do it. Today my co-workers took me to lunch for my birthday and I had a very nutritious and yummy Chopped Salad from CPK. I have cut out soda completely (cold turkey mind you). I'm back to drinking water mostly and an occasional glass of milk or crystal light. Another secret to success is going to be portion control and food combinations. I have tried every fad diet known to man and nothing works as well as the good old fashioned healthy balanced diet and exercise.

I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings. Also, if anyone has recipes or tips that they would like to share, please do so. I'm looking for new things to try.

Until tomorrow...
